
Locked in a power struggle with my ovaries since the early 90s.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Gloom, despair, and agony on me

deep dark depression, excessive misery . . .

alternatively titled, Has God Forsaken Me in the Blasted Job Quest?

Am I ever going to find a new friggin' job? I have helped countless friends with their job hunt while I was pregnant (and thus, unable to hunt for myself), I have tweaked other people's resumes and proofread cover letters 'til my eyes crossed. Thereby shouldn't there be some enormous amount of good-job-hunt karma or some such crap coming my way? Isn't that only fair? This sucks, really it does, because you know I spend most of my waking hours at work, for Christ sake. DH is no help at all, because as he so eloquently and helpfully puts it, he can't just crap me a job. Gee, dear, thanks. I was bumbling about under the assumption that you did, in fact, carry boundless employment opportunities in your anal sphincter. Now we know it's nothing that maalox can't cure. Love you too. Smooch.

Despite the pointless drama above, life's not all bad. Possibly I should focus on something positive, lest I become suicidal.

My kids are great. If we weren't so fucking poor, I would stay home with them, really I would. They are tons of fun. There's an idea--my dh should actually be the one on a job hunt, for a new and improved job that will pay better and allow me to stay home with my babies. Then I could sit on the couch, snuggle with my 3 month old (who seems to grow and change and accomplish at twice the rate he did whilst I was on maternity leave, oh crap, now I'm depressed that the little bugger is thriving without me, sob), eat chips ahoy and watch Dora the Explora in careless friggin' abandon. Now, my friends, that would rock my world. Unfortunately for me, dh is not on board with this plan at all, whatsoever. Which is why I'm sending out resumes to the few available job openings in this employment wasteland. Why me, Lord, why????

Shit, I thought I was going to focus on something positive, but this just turned into more job-related bitching. Oh no, all roads lead to job-related bitching. For today, anyway.

And, we're out of those Pepperidge Farm cookies at home. I purposefully didn't buy any more.



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