
Locked in a power struggle with my ovaries since the early 90s.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I can kiss away your pain . . . or not

Rest easy, gentle reader, crisis has been averted.

NotSoFavoriteCoWorker and spouse have decided to stay together, when times are good or bad, happy or sad (self could not help channeling Tina Turner for brief moment). Or maybe they're just staying together for the time being. Or, whichever comes first. Definitely something like that. So there will be no messy, bitter divorce and the ensuing dramatic aftermath, and hopefully soon, NSFCW will be again empowered to answer her own goddamned office phone.

You know what that means don't you?


Aaaah . . . Close, but no cookie.

No, really: It means that NSFCW must listen to all Enrique, all the time. Loudly. And longly. And longingly. And singing along with. No, I do not know why this is their "breaking up is hard to do" anthem, but trust me. It. Is. Furthermore, it's harder to cope with all Enrique/all the fucking time if one decides to forgo one's lunch beer. Learn from my mistakes . . .

God, but this is almost as good as junior high, I swear it.

On the bright side, the internet has just notified me that a MOTO RAZR V3 is Mine . . . Free, so long as I Claim It.


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