
Locked in a power struggle with my ovaries since the early 90s.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Conceit or laziness? I just can't decide . . .

Dear Shania Twain,

Let's just cut the bullshit (you=singer, blah blah blah, sometimes fairly okay; me=sometimes lukewarmish fan, blah, blah, blah although have admittedly never actually purchased any of your albums but don't always change the station when one of your songs is on, blah blah blah) and get straight to the point.

I think it's weird that when you record songs as a duet, that you then re-record them either by yourself (as in that cavity-causing classic, From This Moment) or with someone else (a la that newish better-than-cheddar hit{?} Party for Two). Regarding the former: Was Bryan White really so intrusive and/or off-key? Or was his boyish presence just deemed not worthy? What? WHAT? I really want to know. Really. And also regarding the latter: For the record, I do like Mark McGrath as much as the next girl, but I must point out that I really don't see Billy Currington as so richly steeped in country & western goodness. I think he could've crossed over just fine. For those who are, you know, into that sort of crossover shit. Or did Billy think he was too good for that? Is it really Billy's own fault? The dual-duet version is no fault of your own?

So I just don't understand the whole dual-version thing. Oh wait. Just had possible epiphany that could cancel out this entire post: Are we maybe kindred spirits and these dual-duet-versions are just a way to get two album songs for one, thereby reducing amount of work (singing, in your personal situation) that is actually done but creating illusion of full workload? If so, well then, I totally can endorse that.

Sincerely your possible kindred spirit or your mostly bemused sorta-sometimes listener-to-your-music,


ps Don't you get cold in those belly shirts all the time, especially with all that fake wind blowing through your hair? Or, does thinking warm "Castle in Switzerland" thoughts get you through? Or, is all that shivering the key to a bunny-rabbit-speedy-quick metabolism?


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