Life is like a motherfucking box of chocolates
The View, spanning three generations
So after I read this and this, I thought:
"Life is not fucking fair."
"What the Fuck, Chuck?!"
My 6 year old daughter A, on the other hand, (still smarting a bit from the sting of not being permitted to name baby C) thought:
"When is Granny going to grow twins in her tummy?"
"She will definitely let me name them both."
My 56-year-old mother thought:
"No goddamned way."
So after I read this and this, I thought:
"Life is not fucking fair."
"What the Fuck, Chuck?!"
My 6 year old daughter A, on the other hand, (still smarting a bit from the sting of not being permitted to name baby C) thought:
"When is Granny going to grow twins in her tummy?"
"She will definitely let me name them both."
My 56-year-old mother thought:
"No goddamned way."
At November 16, 2004 at 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's interesting that they don't mention donor egg, just IVF. These women obviously had DE. Oh, and the 63 year-old woman they mentioned used DE and lied to the RE about her age. The RE only found afterwards that she had lied to him.
I can't help but to wander if having children at 57 is in the best interest of the child.
Middle Way
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