
Locked in a power struggle with my ovaries since the early 90s.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

He probably thinks this blog is about him

So in the interests of badmouthing both docs equally, I decided to blog about why I call Dr. Vain by that name. He's Dr. W's partner, and I had to see Dr V. a few times during my pregnancy.

Dr. Vain thinks that he's soooooo good looking, you know how you can just tell that about men. Since being my kinda-ob, now if I see Dr. V at my work (not uncommon) he comes over to me, to say hello in quite a regal tone of voice and to offer his up hand so that I can kiss, I mean, shake it. He means well, so I let it pass. He manages to keep this vain attitude despite the fact that he has back hair sticking out the neck of his shirt. Lots. of back hair. And some of it is graying back hair. Go figure.

Dr. V and I really only had one memorable encounter during my pregnancy, at about the 12 week mark when he informed me during an u/s that I wasn't pregnant. "Are you sure?", I asked. "Yes, I definitely don't see anything." said Dr. V. "Well, that's not good", I said. "Are you sure you're looking in the right place? I mean, 'cause the rad tech said everything looked fine a few days ago, and you don't seem to have the probe in the same spot she did." (A little impatiently), "Yes, I am sure that I'm looking in the right place", says Dr. V, without even a moment's hesitation. "Hmm . . . ", I reply, with more than a little skepticism in my tone.

I don't know why I was skeptical of Dr. V's opinion, because I'm usually quite pessimistic about the reproductive abilities of my own body. Mostly, I guess, it really didn't seem to me like he was looking in the right place.

That was not quite a year ago, and I now have a 4 month old. You can figure out which one of us was right. The bastard wasn't looking in the right place. So there.


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