
Locked in a power struggle with my ovaries since the early 90s.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Blog by Numbers

5: different blogs I've seen this idea on

5: different blogs that executed this idea better than I did

4: colleges I've attended in my lifetime

1: number of husbands I've had

43: blogs I read on at least a semi-regular basis

10: jobs I've had in my life

2: house cats I've had during my life thus far

1: number of houses I've built from scratch

17: times per day I wish I'd just went ahead & gone to law school when I was younger so I wouldn't regret it so much now

2: times I've been engaged

4: times per week I actually do make a daily to-do list on my daytimer, on average

396: dollars generated from our last yardsale

19: times per day I renew my conclusion that it's too late for me to start law school at this point in my life

10: years I've been married

1: number of houses I lived in whilst growing up

4: cities I've lived in during my entire life

1,367: years it feels like I've been married

54: times per day that I think about eating something chocolate

2: pregnancies I have had

4: number of total kids I'd like to have someday

73: times per day I wish I had a different, better paying job

1: time per day I eat popcorn, meanwhile wishing it were something chocolate, like cake

2: men this week (who are not my husband) have said I look damn fine.

19,946: times per day I wish dh had a different, better paying job so that it wouldn't matter whether/what kind of job I had

3: kids I have

9: pregnancy pounds I still need to lose

2: adoptions I've been lucky enough to complete

229: my favorite TV channel on directv

8: days my baby spent in the NICU

140: pounds I've lost after my gastric bypass

1: clothing sizes that I'm "up" post-baby

800: days it felt like my baby spent in the NICU

9: times I've had sex since giving birth

12: days I've spent in a foreign country

4: times I eat out per week, on average

115: times since giving birth I've seriously considered having sex but decided against it because I was too fucking exhausted.

7: times my mother in law has pissed me off during this summer alone

0: times I've had sex in a foreign country

3: total times my sister has called me since acquiring her new, loser boyfriend (she pays his child support, for God's sake)

2: years since my gastric bypass

59: times my husband asked me to have sex while we were in a foreign country

3: times it's been warm enough on the weekend to take my kids to the pool this summer

1: time this baby has slept thru the night since I've known him


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