
Locked in a power struggle with my ovaries since the early 90s.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

No substitutions, extensions or refunds

N has recently started preschool (despite the fact that he thinks he "doesn't need school") and he's loving every minute of it. N is proud of having made lots of friends already and is quite full of himself. So, today I needed to take him down a peg or two, despite the fact that I hate to do it. He'd just pushed the monkeyshines way too far, it's all fun and games until somebody (like me) gets hurt, ya know? Yada, yada, yada.

So, I put him in the corner. Which he hates. With. A. Passion.

After much wailing and caterwauling, I let him out, and follow up with what I think is a stern yet loving lecture.

Having vented his fury while in the corner, N calmly but firmly replies, "Tomorrow, I am taking you back to the mommy store and get my money back."

Gee, I wonder how much the mommy store will think I am worth? Probably just a lousy gift card towards a new mommy or something lame like that.


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