The depths of despair
Anyone ever watch Anne of Green Gables? Anybody? Drama is my bag today, baby.
Okay, so it's not really the depths of despair.
Ssshhh . . . You may not know this about me. My husband certainly doesn't.
When I'm depressed, I shop. And, my current job situation makes me depressed. So, I have shopped.
Thus far, I have outfitted two out of three kids with new fall wardrobes (the girl-child, A., will not let me select her clothing without her presence, blast it, should never have encouraged independent thinking in that one). Now, I have moved on to the not-as-spendy endeavor of used books. I think I've touched briefly on my love of used books in the past. The good thing about depressed shopping for used books online is that you can get a lot of used books for not (as compared to a new wardrobe for each child) a lot of money. That's not so bad. Plus, readin's my passion, so it's not as if these books won't be put to good use. Eventually. I've also pre-ordered several dvds. The awesome thingy about pre-ordering is that you can cancel the pre-order once you manage to cheer yourself up out of the bowels of despair and are no longer depressed anymore. Unless, of course, you manage to cheer yourself way way wayyyyyy up and then forget about recent bout of depressed shopping, thusly forgetting to cancel pre-ordered goods . . . Once I've finished up with the book shopping phase, my plan is to segue into purchasing lipstick colors I may look good in and fragrances I've been wanting to try and then move on to scented candles that may (or may not) cheer me up whilst I'm at work.
Best of all, I have secret arrangements to pay for the ill-gotten gains (credit card with on-line billing only, goes to email account that dh doesn't know I have), have further conspired with ups man as to where covert deliveries go (in the Lil' Tykes cabin, it's not just for playin' house anymore), and where the packaging/invoices go (down the Diaper Champ, if dh wants to fish in that, more power to 'im).
Now, you know. Now you know the depths of my madness. The disgusting, slimy lengths I'll go to in order to fuel my addiction. The addiction that has inspired to to rampant, shameless use of italics in order to further emphasize my deranged state of mind.
Oh, btw, I have an upcoming interview. For a position that pays less than I currently make. See, it's not the plain ol' vanilla job finding that I have problems with, it's that better-payin' job finding that I can't seem to manage.
Who cast me in the role of rainmaker, anyway? I didn't sign up for this, I tell ya.
I'm feeling kind of sickish now.
Okay, so it's not really the depths of despair.
Ssshhh . . . You may not know this about me. My husband certainly doesn't.
When I'm depressed, I shop. And, my current job situation makes me depressed. So, I have shopped.
Thus far, I have outfitted two out of three kids with new fall wardrobes (the girl-child, A., will not let me select her clothing without her presence, blast it, should never have encouraged independent thinking in that one). Now, I have moved on to the not-as-spendy endeavor of used books. I think I've touched briefly on my love of used books in the past. The good thing about depressed shopping for used books online is that you can get a lot of used books for not (as compared to a new wardrobe for each child) a lot of money. That's not so bad. Plus, readin's my passion, so it's not as if these books won't be put to good use. Eventually. I've also pre-ordered several dvds. The awesome thingy about pre-ordering is that you can cancel the pre-order once you manage to cheer yourself up out of the bowels of despair and are no longer depressed anymore. Unless, of course, you manage to cheer yourself way way wayyyyyy up and then forget about recent bout of depressed shopping, thusly forgetting to cancel pre-ordered goods . . . Once I've finished up with the book shopping phase, my plan is to segue into purchasing lipstick colors I may look good in and fragrances I've been wanting to try and then move on to scented candles that may (or may not) cheer me up whilst I'm at work.
Best of all, I have secret arrangements to pay for the ill-gotten gains (credit card with on-line billing only, goes to email account that dh doesn't know I have), have further conspired with ups man as to where covert deliveries go (in the Lil' Tykes cabin, it's not just for playin' house anymore), and where the packaging/invoices go (down the Diaper Champ, if dh wants to fish in that, more power to 'im).
Now, you know. Now you know the depths of my madness. The disgusting, slimy lengths I'll go to in order to fuel my addiction. The addiction that has inspired to to rampant, shameless use of italics in order to further emphasize my deranged state of mind.
Oh, btw, I have an upcoming interview. For a position that pays less than I currently make. See, it's not the plain ol' vanilla job finding that I have problems with, it's that better-payin' job finding that I can't seem to manage.
Who cast me in the role of rainmaker, anyway? I didn't sign up for this, I tell ya.
I'm feeling kind of sickish now.
At August 31, 2004 at 11:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
When I'm depressed I eat or shop. Shopping or eating? Such decisions. Oh, and I love italics, adds to the drama-- absolutely.
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