
Locked in a power struggle with my ovaries since the early 90s.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Forever Family

I've taken a lot of time to explain my children's adoption stories to each of them and to also try to explain the concept of adoption in general. I think they grasp it pretty well, particularly for as young as they are. And normally, my kids get along and I think they have a good big sister/little brother relationship. Honestly. No, I mean it, they truly do. A and N are each other's best friends, even though they can serve a dual-role as "worst enemy" from time to time. Nonetheless, I was a little surprised to hear this exchange coming from my little darlings:

A: "N! You are soooo bugging me! Stop it stop it stop it!"

N: (Continuing whatever annoying activity he's doing. Please note that I am powerless to stop all his annoying-to-A activities, as this encompasses way too many things. The child simply Has to do Something.)

A: (howling now) "Stop it! Stooop It! SToooooppppp!"

N: (Still persevering in the "damn little annoyance" department. He's very talented at this, believe you me.)

A: (in her most cutting tone) "N, sometimes I'm almost sorry we ever adopted you. Now that you're adopted, that means that we will never ever ever be rid of you."

N: (Through it all, he is nothing if not persistent in the "damn little annoyance" department, unphased by A's intended barb. Only now he is more than somewhat gleeful as he realizes he has really really irritated the bejebus out of her. And isn't that what younger siblings are all about?)

Tee. Hee. At least she understands that adoption = permanency. And lest anyone think I'm a completely horrible mother, I sincerely did try to turn this into a love-thy-neighbor teachable moment, but that effort went down in flames, I tell you. Sometimes they just don't buy it. Hmmm . . . maybe that does mean I'm a horrible mother. Make executive decision not to dwell on that thought.

File this under "Things we won't be sharing with the social worker during our next homestudy".


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