This Just In: Incest Is NOT Best
In a stunning revelation, the brilliant mind of he-who-would-be-Senator Alan Keyes brings us this happy thought:
"If we do not know who the mother is, who the father is, without knowing all the brothers and sisters, incest becomes inevitable"
Let's put aside matters of how, in my opinion, this quote trivializes incest and promotes discrimination against adoptees and couples pursuing ART, as well as homosexuals. Ahem.
So. Let's see. Following this twisted thought process (not as easy as one might imagine), I'm thinking that this will also affect anyone (gay or otherwise) who has been "masked from their biological parents", such as parents who utilized donor egg/sperm, or those who chose to pursue closed adoption or international adoption.
You do know what this means, don't you, gentle reader? Well, my friends, it means that in 20 years or so, you'll be reading my blog that's dedicated to my darling little three-headed, cross-eyed, forked-tongued grandchildren, the product of incestuous relationships unwittingly perpetuated by my children, who were masked from their bio sibs/spouses through no fault of their own, thereby wreaking chaos upon the gene pool. Don't fret, I will certainly post pictures of the little dears.
Thank you, Alan Keyes, for drawing this matter to my attention. I will certainly insist upon DNA testing for all future potential spouses of my children and their children and their children's children, just to ensure that no incest occurs.
"If we do not know who the mother is, who the father is, without knowing all the brothers and sisters, incest becomes inevitable"
Let's put aside matters of how, in my opinion, this quote trivializes incest and promotes discrimination against adoptees and couples pursuing ART, as well as homosexuals. Ahem.
So. Let's see. Following this twisted thought process (not as easy as one might imagine), I'm thinking that this will also affect anyone (gay or otherwise) who has been "masked from their biological parents", such as parents who utilized donor egg/sperm, or those who chose to pursue closed adoption or international adoption.
You do know what this means, don't you, gentle reader? Well, my friends, it means that in 20 years or so, you'll be reading my blog that's dedicated to my darling little three-headed, cross-eyed, forked-tongued grandchildren, the product of incestuous relationships unwittingly perpetuated by my children, who were masked from their bio sibs/spouses through no fault of their own, thereby wreaking chaos upon the gene pool. Don't fret, I will certainly post pictures of the little dears.
Thank you, Alan Keyes, for drawing this matter to my attention. I will certainly insist upon DNA testing for all future potential spouses of my children and their children and their children's children, just to ensure that no incest occurs.
At October 29, 2004 at 2:36 PM,
caseyoconnell said…
Sheesh...that would be laughable if it wasn't so d*mn scary.
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