Pettiness Revealed
So during the most recent bout of Enforced Time With My InLaws, T and I have been seeing a lot of his relatives than I would like to. As an extra irritant, he rarely tolerates my snarkiness with regard to them, however the last time T and I saw his niece M (19) a few weeks ago, we separately came to the suspicion that she might be pregnant. This was based upon several different things: 1) a sudden engagement; 2) a rather large chest when she has always been most vocal about how disgruntled she is with her flat-chestedness; 3) she's almost waif-like in her thinness and was now a bit punchy; and 4) she was wearing baggy clothes when she is always dressed in Slightly Slutty. M was also quite chatty with my kids and she is never like that. Thusly, when T and I met up in the Jeep, we could hardly contain ourselves from the speculation. T is not overly observant when it comes to pregnantness, but my Subfertile Girl radar is always on when it comes to such matters and it never lies.
We were feeling fairly sure in our assessment.
So sure in our assessment, that T broached the subject with MOL shortly thereafter. Naturally, MOL was completely astonished thatwe I would think such a thing (as usual, she presumes I'm being a troublemaker) and that of course M was not pregnant and MOL knew this for a fact. Despite his usual abstinence from snarking on his family, T did join me in my speculation of how she could have independently verified my niece's non-pregnant status. T did not go so far in this rare moment of snark to join me in my "doth protest too much" sentiment. As a devout pentacostal, MOL is Very Uptight about premarital sex and Extremely Uptight about unwed motherhood, and in turn T is Very Uptight about making fun of his own mom. And so that concluded our discussion.
Until today.
Guess who just announced that she's knocked up? God, you guys are good! HaHa, MOL! See, I wasn't being gossip-y, just observant, when I thought she might be pregnant. Yep, T's niece will be having a rather hasty wedding after all, as my Subfertile Girl pg radar is once more proven to be infallible.
Iwill won't refrain from telling you about how my SOL freely tells other unwed/pregnant teenagers that they should "give their baby up for adoption" to a "more deserving couple". It's my sincere hope that this situation will put an end to that particular spiel, but I'm not getting my hopes up or anything.
Naturally, given my own suckiness in the reproduction department, I always feel a bit ahem, lacking when others get pregnant so effortlessly. I don't wish T's niece any ill-will--she's a fairly responsible girl, but she's so young and inexperienced and she's got a rather difficult path ahead of her. I mostly feel sorry for her, but yet one can't help but be reminded of the unfairness of it all.
We were feeling fairly sure in our assessment.
So sure in our assessment, that T broached the subject with MOL shortly thereafter. Naturally, MOL was completely astonished that
Until today.
Guess who just announced that she's knocked up? God, you guys are good! HaHa, MOL! See, I wasn't being gossip-y, just observant, when I thought she might be pregnant. Yep, T's niece will be having a rather hasty wedding after all, as my Subfertile Girl pg radar is once more proven to be infallible.
Naturally, given my own suckiness in the reproduction department, I always feel a bit ahem, lacking when others get pregnant so effortlessly. I don't wish T's niece any ill-will--she's a fairly responsible girl, but she's so young and inexperienced and she's got a rather difficult path ahead of her. I mostly feel sorry for her, but yet one can't help but be reminded of the unfairness of it all.
At February 11, 2005 at 9:41 AM,
~L said…
I agree, Toni--I don't think M will have it easy, but she's certainly quite capable, and a good kid overall. This is just another example of MOL always presuming that I'm constantly trying to "cause trouble."
At February 13, 2005 at 11:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
I watch Judge Judy from time to time and I am always struck by the defendant who is 21 with 8 kids. Also, have the kids in my class hae mothers who are so young. A 25 year old mum with a 9 year old kid is not uncommon. You'd think I'd be immune to it, but I do think of the unfairness for me... and quite often the kids.
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